Buckinghamshire Mind: Trustee Recruitment

Buckinghamshire Mind is an independent charity working to support and represent people with mental health needs in the local community. It is run by local people for local people but is affiliated to National Mind.

Buckinghamshire Mind provides high quality community-based mental health services to find positive ways for making people feel valued and live well. This local charity supports its service users to live safe, purposeful and fulfilled lives in their communities so they can be open about who they are, without worrying about discrimination, knowing they will be accepted.

The charity used Reach Volunteering, the online national database, to find trustees for its Board. This included Rosalind Parke, a senior executive used to working at board level on strategic and business development projects, who brought significant experience of the delivery of large scale, business critical change programmes to the charity. Importantly, Ros had considerable empathy for the aims of the charity, which in turn is delighted with the expertise she brings.

Commenting on why she got involved with the charity, Ros explained: “Buckinghamshire Mind is experiencing a period of rapid business development and had drawn up a three year strategic plan. I felt my corporate background and commercial focus could support the senior management team. I was keen to help in reviewing operational concerns and in delivering their plan.”

Kaya Mallinder, Fundraising and Communications Officer for Buckinghamshire Mind, would recommend the online database to other organisations: “The Trustees we recruited through Reach have excellent skills and expertise which complemented those of existing Board members.”

The recruitment process is simple as Ros can testify: “I applied online via Reach and was shortly invited for interview via email by Bucks Mind. It was a positive and professional experience where the role was clearly outlined along with the challenges the charity anticipated. I was appointed at my second meeting and have been an active trustee for approximately a year.”

“Most charities would value an exploratory discussion about how you could help and any assistance is truly valued. Equally, I gain a different perspective on life, have met some amazing and dedicated people and have found working as a trustee very rewarding.”

One tip from Buckinghamshire Mind is that charities are clear about the trustee role and its responsibilities, and communicate these needs accurately when advertising.

Case study courtesy of Reach Volunteering.

Find out more about volunteering as a trustee.

Updated on September 27, 2022

Image courtesy of St Francis's Children Society