The background
The Parish Council owns Kimble Stewart Hall, a community building in the village of Little Kimble which can be hired for local groups and events. Although the hall is owned by the Parish Council, it is managed by a separate management committee.
The challenge
When looking to set up insurance for the Hall, it was unclear whether the Parish Council – as the owner of the building – or the Hall’s management committee – as lessee – was responsible for this. Guidance was sought from various sources, including the Local Council Association and the wording of the lease, but the information seemed to contradict each other.
The solution
The Clerk to the Council approached Community Impact Bucks through its subscription to the Community Building Service for guidance on the matter, in particular to ensure that the insurance provided was appropriate and met with the legal obligations of the Council and the management committee.
Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh Parish Council was paired with an expert volunteer through the Community Buildings Service, who appraised the Deed and Lease documentation. After reviewing all the paperwork, the volunteer was able to provide the Parish Council with an accurate analysis of the relationships between themselves and the management committee, as well as clearing up the confusion around where the insurance responsibilities lay.
The result
Following this expert review, the Council was able to clarify the position of both themselves and the management committee, and was also able to summarise the terms of the lease to incoming members of the committee. Cllrs and Committee Members are now able to confidently verbalise the complex relationships around the ownership and lease of the Kimble Stewart Hall.
“Community Impact Bucks was helpful in clarifying the formal lines responsibility and ensuring clear and good governance” – Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh Parish Council
Further Information
- For more information on Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh Parish Council, visit the Great and Little Kimble cum Marsh Parish Council website.
- For more information on Kimble Stewart Hall, visit the Kimble Stewart Hall webpage.
- For more information on how Community Impact Bucks helps Buckinghamshire’s community buildings and village halls, go to our Community Buildings webpage. If you would like to speak to someone about your community building/ village hall, please email Ashleigh on
- For more information on running your organisation, go to our Charites and groups webpage for a range of resources, and to see our range of practical workshops, visit Training and events.