We believe that a charity’s leaders, and therefore its trustees and senior managers, are key to its success. And we’re here to help you to develop your leadership.
As a charity you need a minimum of three unconnected people as trustees and most management committees operate with at least a chair, secretary, and treasurer. However, you will need enough trustees with the right skills to ensure that you can run your organisation effectively – download the NCVO trustee skills audit tool to find out what skills your board may need.
We recommend that all trustees read the Charity Commission’s Essential trustee: What you need to know, what you need to do. You might also like to do NCVO’s online training on the Roles and Responsibilities of a trustee and refer to the Governance Code – if you and your fellow trustees, follow everything in the code then you will be able to exercise good leadership of your organisation.
For help with your trustee roles and how to recruit suitable people, visit our Volunteering Page or book a free support session.
Are your policies and procedures up-to-date? Find out what areas you need to prioritise using our free online tool by clicking on the checklist icon or visiting our Healthcheck Tool webpage.