Helping us to help you

Helping us to help you

Earlier this year we asked you what support you needed from us so that we can deliver services relevant to your needs. Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey.

You told us that your biggest achievements are that you have a positive impact on your communities (36%) and that you have been able to support more service users (18%).

Yet, you also told us about your challenges with funding being the greatest challenge you feel you face over the next three years (76%), with recruitment and retention of volunteers (40%), raising awareness of your organisation and what you offer (40%) and the increased demand for services (35%) also being highlighted.

However, over half of respondents have a plan to deal with these challenges and feel comfortable addressing them.

As we’ve seen in previous years, you told us that you need support with:

Recruiting, supporting and managing volunteers
Trustee recruitment
Funding strategy
Grant applications & bid writing
What we’ll do

Continue to deliver our planned training courses on ‘Attracting & Keeping Volunteers’, our monthly volunteering advice surgeries and our partnership with and Reach to give local organisations access to the widest pool of volunteers.
Continue to run a trustee recruitment fair every year and deliver our ‘How to Find New Trustees’ training course. We will continue to use Trustees Week in November of every year to promote the role and value of trusteeship.
Continue to deliver our planned ‘Getting Fit for Funding’ training courses, our monthly Funding and Governance advice surgeries and access to the Bucks Funding Search online tool.
Deliver social media training workshops in 2018.
In addition, 89% of respondents wanted to be part of a network of local voluntary and community organisations, meeting a couple of times a year with support of a virtual network.

What we’ll do

Deliver two leadership networking sessions to enable charity trustees and senior managers to share practices and experience.
What you said

“Keep up the good work and your great support for charities in Buckinghamshire. It really is appreciated.”
