Healthcheck Tool for charities

The Community Impact Bucks Healthcheck Tool is a free online tool which is quick, easy to use, and gives a snapshot of priorities for your organisation.

It provides a list of questions that charity or voluntary group leaders should ask of their organisations from time to time. It is split into 6 sections focusing on the core areas of running and developing your organisation, covering:

  • Governance
  • Trustees
  • Finance and Funding
  • Planning and Development
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Recruitment and Training

The questions are designed to help you to determine whether the correct policies and procedures are in place and that you are adhering to ‘Best Practice’. Completing the Healthcheck will enable you to better understand where there might be gaps, and what you can do to fill those gaps, at your own pace.

Throughout the assessment there is access to a range of references and resources through the links included. At the end of the assessment there will be an opportunity to download a copy of a report.  If on completion of the Healthcheck you have identified areas that require additional support then one of our team will contact you to discuss the help that we can provide.

Download our guide to using the Community Impact Bucks Healthcheck.

For help with the Healthcheck Tool or other governance related issues, contact Frankie Hockham, VCSE and Development Officer, on 01844 617218 or email

Create New Healthcheck

Image courtesy of Wheelpower