Funding opportunities and help still available

There was a great turnout at our annual Bucks Funding Fair last month giving around 200 Bucks voluntary organisations the chance to speak to over 20 national and local funding bodies and support organisations about funding opportunities available to them.

Bringing funders and voluntary sector support organisations together with local charities and community groups has proved to work:  the 2017 Funding Fair initiated a staggering £162,400 of funds for local Bucks organisations and we are hoping that many of this year’s attendees are equally successful.

If you missed the event but need help with identifying funding opportunities, check out the Bucks Funding Search service, an online searchable database of funding opportunities. It’s free, easy to use, and you can tailor your search to your specifications. All you have to do is register and you will also receive regular funding updates.

If you have any queries to do with funding and your organisation, why don’t you book a free session at our funding and governance advice sessions Spaces are still available for our next surgeries in Buckingham on 12 April and Amersham on 1 May.

We also run a course – Getting Fit for Funding –  for anybody who is getting ready to apply to grant funders. This is a practical half day workshop for people who are responsible for submitting funding applications for their organisation. Book here for the next course to be held in High Wycombe on 16th May.
