Commemorating World War One centenary: Chiltern District Council small grants scheme
Classification: OFFICIAL
Commemorating World War One centenary: Chiltern District Council small grants scheme
Many legacies were born out of the First World War, from the creation of the Royal British Legion, founded in 1921 by veterans of the conflict and their families, to the development of everyday products such as the wrist watch, trench coat and paper tissues.
The centenary year gives an opportunity for communities to mark this legacy by exploring, conserving and sharing their own local heritage of the First World War, from memorials, buildings and sites, to photographs, letters and literature.
In support of the landmark year, Chiltern District Council is providing a special small grants scheme which local town and parish councils and community groups can apply for to help them mark the centenary.
Local people can apply for funding of up to £300 per project.
To apply for a grant, please send the following details of your project to by no later than Thursday 11th October 2018.
Details should include the following:
Main contact:
Project outline including start and finish dates: Total cost of project:
Amount of funding required: Other funding sources:
Decisions as to which applications will receive funding will be made during the week commencing 15th October 2018.
Applications will be considered only for projects that can be delivered by 30th March 2019. For further information please contact Natalie Judson, see contact details below:
Natalie Judson
Active Communities Officer
Joint Communities & Leisure Team
Tel: 01494 732759
Classification: OFFICIAL