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Community Impact Bucks is changing

In the past 12 months the world we live and work in has changed extensively and, to reflect this and ensure that we are able to adapt and respond to future changes, we at Community Impact Bucks will be reorganising the charity in the coming months.

When the pandemic hit in March this year, we transformed our ways of working overnight to continue to support communities, voluntary organisations and volunteers in Buckinghamshire.

We feel it is essential that we build on this and have the ability to meet changing needs and adapt to new opportunities and challenges as they arise: the needs of the people, communities, and voluntary groups we support are at the heart of the proposed changes. Watch the full message:

While we go through these changes, we are putting everything in place to ensure our projects and services continue uninterrupted; we will keep you updated as our plans progress.

Katie Higginson, CEO

Community Impact Bucks
