Launch of BOB VCSE Health Alliance Working Sub Groups
During October we have seen our BOB wide VCSE Health Alliance launch the initial four working sub groups, the groups are titled and work under the themes of Mental Health, Reducing Health Inequalities, Learning Disability and Autism, and Ageing Well.
We were pleased to welcome at the each of VCSE Alliance sub groups, the Senior Responsible Officers from each of the ICS workstreams. SROs gave an overview of ICS workplans and kickstarted conversations with our members on joint priorities and opportunities for partnership working. This work will continue over the coming months to scope where VCSE collaboration with the ICS can enhance the outcomes for the populations within BOB.
Our sub groups are made up of Alliance member organisations from across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West with priorities and special interest in the themes of the groups. The membership of the sub groups are still developing to ensure we have a diverse range of organisations engaged, both in terms of size and demographics.
It is proposed that moving forward, representatives from each of our groups will have a member place within ICS subgroups and that those individuals will take forward the collective voice of VCSE provider organisations.
For more information on the subgroup and representation, please contact:
Community Impact Bucks hosts the work of the alliance as part of our work alongside our counterparts in Oxfordshire and Berkshire West to deliver the BOB VCSE Health Alliance of member VCSE organisations, working collaboratively to improve health care systems for people across Bucks, Ox and Berks.