Rural Voices in Buckinghamshire – tell us what matters to you

Community Impact Bucks supports rural communities in Buckinghamshire and, to help us develop our services and make sure the needs of rural communities are considered by all sectors, we are conducting a countywide research project, Rural Voices, during 2022.

As part of the research, we are undertaking a survey of the county’s rural residents and are looking for a team of volunteers who will carry out one-to-one interviews to get a good understanding of current and emerging needs, their experiences and the issues that matter most to them.

Feedback from the survey will help us target our support where it will really make a difference and ultimately will help create better connected communities in rural Buckinghamshire.

Who we are looking for

We know the best way to consult with people living in rural communities is to have one-to-one conversations. To do this, we are recruiting a team of volunteers who are living, working or studying across Buckinghamshire’s rural communities, and are available over the Summer months.

These volunteer Community Connectors will be passionate about their communities and keen to ensure the voices of all residents are heard.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about the project and the role of a volunteer Community Connector, join an online introductory session which is being run on our behalf by Support Staffordshire. For further details of the 30 minute sessions and to register, please click on the following links:

If you have any questions about these events contact:

For more information about our services
