Debbie has been delivering PPE to carers in and around Aylesbury and describes how she jumped at the chance to do something useful during lockdown.


How did you come to be a volunteer delivering PPE?
I signed up on the Council website to be a volunteer as I wanted to be useful and be part of the bigger picture to help out but I knew wanted to something local rather than signing up to a national register. The Volunteer Matching Service offered me the PPE delivery role which was organised through Buckinghamshire Council’s Aylesbury Local Support Hub. I said ‘yes’ straight away. I was already shopping for several of my neighbours and when the PPE delivery role was suggested, I thought it would be a good fit with that.

How much of your time does volunteering take up?
It varies; as and when there is PPE that needs to be delivered, I get a phone call to ask if I am available. So far, I have had between two and six drop-offs to make on a trip. I collect the PPE and plan my route myself round all the delivery points.

What do you gain personally from volunteering?
It was a big bonus to have a reason to get out of the house at first but it has meant more than that – it has made me feel useful. It isn’t a lot in terms of time commitment but it is something. I am certainly happy to do more of the same.

What response do you get from others?
The response from those I deliver to has been brilliant. It is well-organised and all the carers that I’ve called on have clearly been expecting me. I’m usually greeted with a lovely smile and people are really grateful.

Would you recommend volunteering and if so why?
Yes. I have appreciated the opportunity to do something that is useful.


If you are looking for a volunteering role, you can register your interest with the Buckinghamshire Volunteer Matching Service.

Updated on September 18, 2023

Image courtesy of St Francis's Children Society