Gill Mackenzie

“I like meeting and helping people, and I really feel I can help and make a difference.”

Volunteer role – Mobility Aids and Home from Hospital volunteer at the British Red Cross

How long have you been doing it? – 9 years

What do you do in your volunteer role? – The Mobility Aids Service provides wheelchair delivery and short-term loans of equipment to vulnerable people. A Mobility Aids Volunteer is on hand to take calls and enquiries from people and demonstrate how to use and look after the wheelchair. The Home from Hospital Service enables people to live as independently as they can at home, and builds trusting relationships with people to help them regain their confidence and well-being. Volunteers visit service users on their arrival home from hospital, keep them company and help with practical tasks like shopping, collecting prescriptions and light meal preparation.

Why did you want to volunteer? – I was looking for something to do when I left work at the age of 65.

What are the best bits of being a volunteer? – I like meeting and helping people, and I really feel I can help and make a difference.

What’s the most challenging aspect of your volunteering role? – I don’t stop to think before I help someone, but I know that my manager always checks the clients out before I make any home visits (for Home from Hospital role), so I know I’m always safe.

How does volunteering make you feel? – It makes me feel really good about helping others.

Would you recommend it to other people? – Yes, definitely. And I’ve asked lots of other people if they can volunteer too!

For more information on volunteering for the British Red Cross, please see their website: Red Cross Volunteering

Updated on July 30, 2019

Image courtesy of St Francis's Children Society