John May
John has been volunteering as an Expert Volunteer in Research and Data Analysis with Community Impact Bucks since the spring of 2016.
Why do you volunteer? – Following a wide and varied career at a strategic level including management consultancy, voluntary sector management and social research I wanted to keep my professional skills alive and to continue to develop and use them to the benefit of the community. I wanted to continue to be productive.
What attracted you to this role? – The role utilises my strengths and I had experience of the community and voluntary sector. There is a good match between CIB’s need for strategic and analytical input and what I wanted to do as a volunteer. CIB and I are a good fit.
What are the best bits of volunteering? – Being intellectually challenged. Recognition that my skills and experience are useful. Knowing that my input is a weighted and valued contribution to the work of CIB. Being part of the team.
What are the most challenging bits of volunteering? – In general the main challenge of volunteering is fitting the demands of the role with other commitments – but it can and does provide a welcome break from those commitments. One of the challenging and satisfying parts of this role is working with CIB to define the parameters of a project and how to best deliver what is required.
What do you gain either personally or professionally from volunteering? – Being retired I confess to missing the sense of a purpose in life beyond the immediate family, of being part of something that is bigger than me and that is socially useful. Volunteering provides a way to do this while at the same time leaving time for other aspects of life.
Would you recommend volunteering and if so why? – I recommend volunteering to anyone who wants to keep their skills alive and be socially useful.