Steve, Section leader for Whiteleaf Beaver Colony
The best bits of volunteering? For Steve it’s seeing the young people enjoying themselves and learning new skills.
What do you do in your volunteer role? – As the section leader, I have responsibility for planning and running the weekly Beaver sessions, as well as managing the group’s admin and contributing to the overall running of the Whiteleaf Scout group. I’m also responsible for child protection and making sure all the Beaver leaders have the appropriate training.
Why did you want to volunteer? – I commute into London for work so wanted to do something in my local community. I’d been looking around for the right thing for a while before the opportunity to join the new Beaver colony came up and I jumped at it!
What are the best bits about volunteering? – It’s got to be the young people. They’re enormous fun and it’s great to help them learn new things that they wouldn’t learn at school like reef knots or first aid. It’s a fantastic feeling seeing them excited about taking on these new skills.
What do you get out of your volunteering role? – There’s real enjoyment in seeing the Beavers enjoying themselves and I feel much more connected and engaged with my local community. It makes me feel good; it’s quite demanding but I get out of it much more than I put in.