Woodland Adventure Club
Woodland Adventure Club (WAC) was formed in Amersham in 2016 to provide a broad range of outdoor activities for adults and children. It provides school-time sessions, after school and holiday clubs for children aged 4-14 years of age.
Community Impact Bucks (CIB) have worked with WAC since the very beginning, providing a mentor who helped with advice on setting up as a community interest company, the associated governance requirements and support with identifying sources of funding. The team at CIB have built a relationship with the founder, Jack Gocher, and pro-actively contacted him about the opportunities with Tesco Bags of Help where community groups can apply to receive grants of up to £5,000 raised from the 5p plastic bag levy.
Founder, Jack Gocher, explains how Community Impact Bucks have helped him.
“I have been working with Community Impact Bucks since my organisation was just an idea. They have provided help and guidance throughout and their support has been invaluable in getting my project off the ground and into full operation. They have also provided information and resources that have enabled me to secure some funding to further boost the project, including being selected for the Tesco and Groundworks Bags of Help Scheme.”