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GDPR Workshop for smaller not-for-profit organisations

GDPR workshop for smaller not-for-profit organisations

Data Protection has become an increasingly important topic and, since the emergence of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation in 2018, all organisations of every size need to understand the rules around GDPR.

This workshop tackles the common misconception that GDPR doesn’t apply to smaller voluntary organisations and will help smaller charities and community groups understand their obligations with data.

If your organisation holds personal data (for example names, addresses, phone numbers), you need to be compliant with GDPR regulations. Failure to meet GDPR regulations could result in disciplinary action by Information Commissioner’s Office, the government department responsible for monitoring and enforcing data protection.

Make sure you know your data obligations by joining us for a 2-hour, practical workshop on 12th September (via Zoom).

What you will take away from the workshop

Our workshop will dispel some of the myths around GDPR and give you the tools and knowledge to implement sound data practices.  You will leave the workshop with:

  • A better understanding of GDPR legislation
  • What data the organisation keeps and why
  • The organisation’s obligations and duties
  • What processes need adjusting or removing
  • Where to find more information

Who should attend

This interactive workshop is aimed at any not-for-profit organisation operating in Buckinghamshire that holds any personal data about staff, volunteers and service users, and would like to increase their understanding of how to be compliant with the regulations.

This includes voluntary and community groups, charities, constituted groups, Community Interest Companies, and other types of social enterprise; please note that places are limited and that priority will be given to charities and not-for-profit organisations with income under £100,000.

Next steps

To book your free place on the workshop (12th September/ 10am-12pm/ via Zoom), click on the Book Now button below. You can also find out more information on GDPR for not-for-profit organisations – what it is and why it is so important – on our GDPR webpage.

Book Now

Can’t make this date? Register your interest here and we will let you know when we are running another one.


Community Impact Bucks
0330 236 9350


Online Meeting
United Kingdom
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