Volunteers' Week 1-7 June

Get involved in Volunteers’ Week 2022

Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration held from 1st – 7th June which gives volunteer-involving groups a chance to publicly thank their volunteers for their invaluable contribution.

It’s easy to take part

There are lots of ways that your organisation can get involved – have a look at the Volunteers’ Week website for ideas on:

  • What to do during Volunteers Week including ways of to say thank you, run an event or raise awareness of your organisation
  • Tips on how to plan, publicise and run an event
  • Suggestions on how to support and thank volunteers
  • How to get the most out of your social media
  • Launching a new volunteering project

There are also lots of free resources and templates to use – from logos, event promotion materials, to content for your social media. There are also themed days which can provide a focus to your celebrations:

  • Wednesday 1 June > Volunteers’ Week Launch: A Time to Say Thanks – this day puts the spotlight on volunteering, recognising the impact of giving time and skills for free
  • Thursday 2 June – Sunday 5 June > The Big Jubilee Lunch – the UK’s annual get together for neighbours and communities
  • Sunday 5 June > Thank You Day – a chance to say thank you to everyone who has helped
  • Monday 6 June > Power of Youth Day – together with the #iwill movement, why not celebrate the contribution children and young people make to society through volunteering and social action?
  • Tuesday 7 June > Volunteers’ Week Close A Time to Say Thanks

Boost your volunteer recruitment

Volunteers have given their time for free to help deliver key services to our communities – both roles specific to the pandemic as well as non-pandemic support vital to our communities. However the pandemic has changed the way we work and, together with the increasing demand for volunteers, has presented a number of challenges for volunteer managers.

Why not use Volunteers’ Week to support your volunteer recruitment drive? Have a look at these ten tips to recruit volunteers from Lew, one of our VCSE & Community Development Officers:

  1. Explain the social purpose of your organisation clearly – who it benefits and the vision of the organisation
  2. Describe your volunteer role clearly
  3. Keep volunteering fun and flexible – this will help alleviate possible stress
  4. Engage with your community – for example through faith groups, youth clubs, cultural events, local magazines, and universities
  5. Use your social network to promote volunteer opportunities
  6. Where possible, advertise roles locally to attract volunteers from the area
  7. Make your application process simple
  8. Be active on social media which is a great way to reach young people
  9. Create posters and flyers, and include positive stories and photographs depicting your organisation’s work, along with your contact information.
  10. Reach out to local companies that may have a volunteering programme for their employees.

How we can help

As the Volunteer Centre for Buckinghamshire, we have a wide range of online support and advice to help you develop volunteer opportunities, recruit and manage volunteers. Go to We need volunteers to access resources covering all aspects of a volunteer programme including:

  • Recruitment and management of volunteering, for example advice on developing and advertising volunteer and Board volunteers roles
  • Governance advice such as DBS advice
  • Exemplar Policies including a volunteer agreement and policy
  • Training including videos to support volunteers’ well-being

You can also book into a free support session where you can get tailored advice – whether you are looking for help in recruiting trustees or you are setting up a new project. We can help think of fresh ideas to reinvigorate your volunteer programme. The sessions are scheduled at a time and date to suit you.

Join us too at our regular networking events for volunteer managers in Buckinghamshire where you can get tips and advice, as well as share ideas and information within an informal setting. Open to anyone (paid/unpaid) involved with recruiting and managing volunteers for charities and other not-for-profit organisations, the next Volunteer Managers’ Network is on 26th May. If you can’t make it, register your interest and we will let you know when the next one is published.

And finally, let us know if you have an volunteer vacancies you would like help filling. Register the vacancy with the Buckinghamshire Volunteer Matching Service which places volunteers where they are most needed in the county.

Next steps
