Inaam is a trustee for Wycombe Youth Action. His involvement started with him being a user, he moved on to spend many hours volunteering for the charity and is now a trustee with a focus on service delivery.

What prompted you to volunteer as a trustee?  I was inspired by what WYA did for me when I was a service user. As part of that, in 2016, I got the chance to volunteer at a radio station that WYA ran at the time. I then started to look for other opportunities to volunteer, getting really involved in youth work. In 2018 I was asked to join Board of Trustees. I was supported really well to make the decision and was made aware of the responsibility that trusteeship would carry.

I think I was offered trusteeship in recognition of what I was doing for the charity and it was clear that the others on the Board respected my expertise in helping to make decisions for the charity. Everyone on the Board has their own special interest in the charity and I have responsibility for the work that the charity actually delivers to young people aged 11-25.

How much of your time does being a trustee take up? I would say it only takes up a couple of hours a month as it is not a role which involves me very much in administration.

How long have you been a trustee and what is it like?  I’ve been a trustee for less than a year. I do love the role and would not change anything about it. I love the different experiences it brings and also, I love making a difference. WYA has been around for 35 years and it is up to us as trustees to keep it in good shape for at least the next 35 years.

What have you found challenging?  It wasn’t so much the challenges, but I was incredulous when I was asked to join as I didn’t think I’d be eligible.

What difference does volunteering as a trustee make to you?  On a personal note, it is a great thing to have on my CV. One of the key things I get benefit from is the opportunity to learn from the other members of such a diverse Board of Trustees at WYA.

Without charities like WYA there would be a lot of young people who would fall through the cracks – the young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow, that’s why it’s important to support them.

Would you recommend volunteering as a trustee and if so why?  Yes – it is a great opportunity to learn so much and give something back to the community.

For more information about Wycombe Youth Action and how to get involved, please see Wycombe Youth Action’s website.

Find out more about volunteering as a trustee, and browse some of the roles available in Bucks.

Updated on October 28, 2020

Image courtesy of St Francis's Children Society