Planning and Strategy

The strategic plan developed by the board and senior management helps clarify the organisation’s purpose, set direction and allocate resources, as well as motivating and engaging staff and volunteers.

It is vital you get your strategic plan right. What do you want to achieve over what time period? What resources do you need to deliver that? If you need help writing your plan check out our Guide to Business Planning for guidance and support.

One question you need to ask is whether anyone else is working in the same area as you. In a climate of restricted funding, collaboration or a merger with another charity can be a way to achieve more for your beneficiaries. Below are several resources which can help you think through whether this is right for you and how to achieve this.

If you are looking for local not for profit partners for a bid, commercial arrangement, resource sharing or simply sharing experience you can search on the Charity Commission register or for health and social care organisations you can find groups on Care Advice Buckinghamshire or Bucks Family Information Service.

The Cranfield Trust works with business volunteers to put their skills to work for charities as pro bono consultants, to help non-profit organisations change and grow. Some charities and organisations may be eligible for their free management consultancy.

Have a look at FAQs on Planning & Strategy:


Your organisation will benefit from having an agreed business plan to work to and funders will often ask for a copy of a business plan with financials associated with it. The links below give guidance on how to develop your plan.

Image courtesy of Wheelpower