Local Funding Opportunities

There are many sources of funding available for groups and charities through grant makers, trusts and foundations. One great way of finding these funding opportunities is via free online grant finders, Bucks Funding Search and Grantway.

Bucks Funding Search and Grantway are searchable databases of funding opportunities from grant makers, trusts and foundations. They are easy to use, allow you to tailor your searches, are regularly updated and allow you sign up for email updates direct to your inbox.

As well as the grant makers, trusts and foundations there are other organisations that you might not be aware of that offer funding to the local community.  From local lotteries to supermarket schemes, there are a huge number of opportunities to raise money in your own community. We’ve pulled together information on the key schemes to make it easy for you to identify the best one for you.

Other local funding opportunities are listed below:


Buckinghamshire Community Boards: Community Boards are a way of bringing the Council, groups, organisations, and local people together to look at local issues and find ways of improving them together.

Each Community Board has funds available to support projects that meet the agreed priorities for their area – that could be anything from support for older people to health and wellbeing, transport, youth initiatives, improving the environment or supporting economic recovery. If you want to get involved and help Community Boards act in your local area, have an idea for a local project or are keen to get involved in an action group, contact your local Community Board Coordinator. (Tip – read the guidance and criteria carefully and discuss your application with the relevant Community Board Coordinator before applying)

Buckinghamshire Council grants: from time-to-time Buckinghamshire Council is awarded government funding to support local businesses and/or voluntary groups. Details of any funding available can be found on its website.


Some town and parish councils have funding available for organisations that support their local community.  Contact your local parish or town council for information about community-based funding and grants for projects such as activities for young people, volunteer programmes and development of communal facilities.

Buckinghamshire Council maintains contact details for the clerk for each local council, you can view these details on the Parish council contact details page.


The Clare Foundation has seed funding up to £5,000 to initiate and set in motion initiatives and opportunities to help people in Bucks. Its grants and loans are open to all Bucks based charities and community projects.

The Clare Foundation is open to discussion and collaboration with multi stakeholders and partner charities to investigate potential collaborations and ways of working together to support the people of Buckinghamshire. Please get in touch with the charity to discuss further.


Buckinghamshire Council run a weekly lottery with 60% of ticket sales going directly to support local good causes. Visit Buckinghamshire Lottery for more information; you can also read more on our Lottery and Raffles page.

Supermarket Donations

Asda Foundation Green Token Giving: Asda Foundation Green Token Giving provides funding for local charities and good causes nominated by customers and colleagues. It has dedicated community champions whose role is to work with charities and community groups in its local area so that ASDA can provide effective support. Examples of support include: in-store fundraising, colleague fundraising, healthy eating sessions in schools, volunteering in the community and rooms for the community in-store.

Sainsbury’s: every year Sainsbury’s works together with customers and colleagues to support a local cause in the local community. These partnerships last for a whole year and include a range of support including awareness raising, fundraising in store, volunteering and donations.

Tesco: each store holds a community budget to help meet requests for local fund-raising events.  Dedicated Tesco community champions work to ensure that Tesco can bring genuine benefit to the local community –  be it a local community event, fundraising activities, bag packing or donations.