There are several different legal structures which you could choose from, depending upon the purpose of your organisation and the size and nature of your operation.
For an overview and pros and cons of each structure read the NCVO summary and watch the LawWorks video.
The following links give further information as well as tools to help you decide:
- If you need help choosing which organisational structure is right for you, read the Charity Commission’s how to choose a structure.
- If you are considering setting up a social enterprise, read the guide to Structures for Social Enterprises from legal firm DLA Piper.
- For community owned businesses or co-operatives, have a look at the Plunkett Foundation’s A Brief Guide to Legal Structures.
For further help understanding the organisational structures and finding the best one for you, please book a free support session. If you would prefer to talk to someone first or would like some help filling in the form, please email or call 0330 2369350 and one of our team will call you back within one working day.